Friday, August 19, 2016

Influenster Voxbox ZzzQuil

So, this is actually my second box from Influenster. My first box was amazing! But I really had no clue what I was supposed to do with it so my reviews weren't that great. Sorry guys. I knew what was going to be in this one before it even arrived and I was excited.


I have never used a sleep aid before though so I don't have much to compare it to. However, I do know that I pretty much NEVER get enough sleep. Back before my Fitbit broke (after only 6 months of use. GRRR!) it said I usually only get like 3 hours of good sleep each night. Not enough. I am tired all of the time. Waking up is the part of the day I hate the most because I still want to be sleeping. 

Falling asleep and staying asleep are my biggest issues. For some reason I have always procrastinated bedtime. I probably have some deep-seated, unresolved issues that only a therapist could solve, but who knows because I'm not going to go to one. Anyways, I can seriously put off going to bed for like 3-4 hours on a regular basis. There's always chores that weren't completed, projects to finish, or the only chance I have to watch a show that isn't Clifford and eat a snack that I don't want to share. It's bad. I should hop in bed as soon as I get the chance, but I don't. 

The second problem is more outside of my control. I am a mom and a wife. My kids wake me up all of the time. And I can't sleep in if they're awake because they won't let me. As long as one child is awake so am I. And at least one of them is always awake. Plus, if they stir or cough in the night then I am immediately awake and on alert. Then comes my husband. He is either in bed hours before me or hours after. And he watches this super annoying Youtube channel in bed. If I knew the person that hosted this channel I would pull an Ursula and steal his voicebox. He would never be able to utter a single word again. That might be the lack of sleep talking. He drives me nuts because he can fall asleep within minutes of his head hitting his pillow. It's not fair. But if he can't sleep then he makes sure that I can't sleep either. I've been tempted to Ursula him as well. Plus, we sleep on my 17 year old bed. And it's only a full-sized bed. I NEED a bigger bed. Not to mention, we keep the house hot in the summer and cold in the winter to save money. Ugh. I am soooo tired.

That is why I was so excited to try ZzzQuil. But my night didn't go as planned. It never does. 

My kids were asleep, my husband was downstairs playing videogames and so I figured I had the all-clear to test it out. Wrong. I took the pill and started gathering my stuff for bedtime and then I heard the bathroom door shut. NOOoo! When I heard the shower start I wanted to cry. I could already feel the ZzzQuil kicking in and I still had to wash my face and brush my teeth. About an hour later I was able to finally get ready for bed. I didn't end up falling asleep until about 2 hours after I took the pills. A few hours later one of my daughters woke up whining in the night. I went in and soothed her and then headed back to bed. A couple of hours later my husband woke up and decided he needed to wake me up. I tried desperately to ignore him and go back to bed, but he would not leave me alone. I'm normally pretty ornery when I get woken up in the night, but the ZzzQuil made me that much more tired and even meaner. I wanted to Ursula something else of his and beat him with it. And then of course my daughters were awake within 2 hours after that. Why would they sleep in on a day when I want them to? 

Needless to say, ZzzQuil works. But do NOT take it unless you can actually get some sleep. If you're a mom with a lazy husband then don't even try. It won't make everything that wakes you up disappear. Next time I'm just going to dose everyone else and we'll all get a good night's sleep. Just kidding everyone. Don't go call CPS on me. I promise I don't drug my kids. Maybe I'll try it again in 20 years. (sigh...)

I received this product complimentary for testing purposes. These are my personal opinions and experiences. 

- Helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. - Sleep soundly. Wake refreshed. - Not for pain. Just for sleep. - Non-habit forming. - Ensure time to get a sufficient night's sleep (7-8 hours). 
Read all labels and warnings before use. Consult your doctor if necessary. 

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